
parthenon 1Greek really is not an easy language to try and understand. How can you possibly want to pronounce a triangle? I can recognize some of the Greek characters and it’s only because of scenes out of frat house movies. Alpha, Beta, Zeta, Ohm. I ask a guy how to say thank you in Greek and I thought he was swearing at poor Gary Stow, who ever he may be. It is literally pronounced F-Gary-Stow. I think to myself that Gary must have either pleased or annoyed one of the mythical Gods to earn this eternal attachment to his name. So instead I just say tzatziki or zorba all the time, it sounds more familiar.

Greece may presently be in some sort of financial crisis, but the Greeks don’t seem too worried about it. It must have something to do with the rising and falling that the empire has seen over the millennia. History repeats itself, and why be rushed when you can laze in the sun like a cat or dog catching late afternoon rays. Athens stretch as far as the eye can see from atop the hill at The Acropolis and it is hard to imagine how such a vast city is at the center of a massive bailout.

When I walk among ancient ruins, such as the Parthenon, I always envision a time lapsed movie of great proportions. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there had to be a camera in the sky that has been filming everything on Earth? One day it could all be played back to us, using the sky as a backdrop, showing how the walls and pillars of all the ancient ruins were created. Because a place like this makes me wonder: How did they do it and what made it crumble? Was it warfare or was it morals that brought down ancient civilizations? I say morals because it is a bit worrisome when you look at some of the art from those days. Most guys seemed to have been into other guys and by judging the marble statues, most of them also walked around naked. Were they really that muscular and not-so-well-endowed in the nether region?

Some scholars spend lifetimes studying Greek Mythology, trying to understand it all. It is a vast field of study but with the Mythos beers being relatively cheap here, you can easily ponder pretty deep into Plato’s cave with crafty sayings such as: “I think, therefor I am.”

My favorite play on words by Plato have to be the following, because I can just imagine what a four-legged TamJuan animal like thing must look like.

According to Greek Mythology

“Humans were originally created with 4 arms and 4 legs and a head with 2 faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into 2 separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” – Plato

Δ Ω λ β α Λ Δ Ξ Σ Φ – I have no clue what this means, but it’s something


used to liveLike good wine, the walls, pillars and doors become more attractive over time


Pythagoras-tic vibes with some color


parthenon panorama

parthenon 2The Parthenon

Olive tree at parthenonOlive tree at the Acropolis


man walking

dog and cat

man sittingCatching rays

emptySymi Nisos

fishermanCrete fisherman tending the nets

boyLocal Mykonos fella

split in half

Like Plato’s 4 legged mythical creature we seek and find each other in the most amazing places

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